Alone on the bridge of her interstellar yacht, aptly named “Lost Girl”, Tina relaxed as the light years slid silently past the windows.
Tina’s filed flight plan listed her intended destination as the pleasure planet of Risa. A journey of 90 light years that should have
taken her ship just over 25 days at its stated warp 8.6 cruising speed, a trip that if she hadn’t changed course on day 2, would have
ended almost 8 days ago. Instead she was approaching her actual destination, a worthless uninhabited star system located 216 light years
from Earth, a journey that would still take her ship another 3 days to reach even at its true warp 9.2 cruising speed. By now officials
on Risa would have reported her ship overdue.
Tina smiled at the thought of her coming two year long vacation. First a quick stop in at the Resort’s lab for a few firmware upgrades to
her core processor array, followed by a long and delightfully masochistic stay in the renowned Perilous Resort’s dungeons. She felt her
heartbeat quicken at the thought about spending the next two years as one of the Resort’s submissive snuff toys. And especially since one
of her new firmware upgrades promised to cut her regeneration time in half, and thinking of being cut in half, Tina could hardly wait. After
all, Tina still had fond memories of her first time...
Smiling the instructor said, “Good afternoon Tina, now that your conversion is complete you will need to learn how to safely use your new body’s
features,” his face suddenly stern, “Tina, inspection override, assume position one.”
The instructor enjoyed the brief sudden look of horror in
Tina’s eyes at the realization that she no longer controlled her own body as she helplessly found herself responding to his commands. “Until
you successfully complete this orientation you will be treated as just another doll, you have no rights, no self-determination, and while your
conversion process did not include the usual sex doll mental conditioning, society has never considered dolls to be human. Fail this orientation and I
will dispose of you without a moment’s hesitation.”
Pausing to glace at Tina’s emotional state readouts the instructor was surprised by what they revealed. While the readouts confirmed the subject’s
level of confusion and fear where well within the expected range, the instructor was surprised to see Tina’s submissive state was practically off
the scale. It was rare to see this kind of reading even for a doll that received the resort’s usual mental conditioning as part of her conversion
process, something that he knew Tina had not undergone.
Turning back the instructor said, “Tina, change mode to full doll.”
As the instructor watched, Tina’s body began to alter its appearance. Tina’s skin took on the appearance of highly polished, shiny red latex, a
breathtakingly tight latex corset formed around her suddenly reduced waist, her already prominent breast swelling into the classic doll shape and
size as her hair seemed to flow back into her red latex covered scalp. Within moments Tina’s conversion was complete she was now nothing but a doll.
Smiling as Tina’s emotional readouts stabilized, “While in full doll mode, outwardly you are for all intents and purposes a doll. In this mode your body
will automatically respond to the standard doll commands as well as the custom Perilous Resort command set. However, unlike the classic doll,
inwardly you will remain fully aware of what’s happening and experience every sensation, pleasurable or painful, as if you were still a normal woman.”
Moving to stand directly behind Tina, the instructor leaned in close, “Oh, there’s one last thing I should mention about being in full doll mode.” Then,
thrusting the sword through Tina’s corset compressed abdomen he smiled as he whispered, “Dolls can’t die.”
Tina desperately wanted to scream, the pain was worse than anything she’d ever imagined enduring but her body simply stood there frozen in place. She could
clearly detect the tone of sadistic amusement in her instructor’s voice as he slowly twisted the cold steel blade in her guts as he repeated, “Dolls can’t die,
and they can’t scream even when they desperately need to.”
Tina watched in amazement as the instructor slowly pulled the sword blade out of her guts and held it up before her eyes, there wasn’t any blood and the wound
along with the pain vanished immediately after the blade left her body.
"Dolls can't die..."
Setting the sword aside, the instructor said, “Tina, change mode to default.” Then pausing as he watched the doll standing before him transform back into a
woman, “Tina, enable internal access to all user guide memories, extrude swimsuit one and discontinue inspection override.”
Finding herself suddenly wearing in a rather revealing swimsuit Tina slowly lowered her arms as a sudden dizzying wave of artificial memories flooded her
mind. Moments later a faint smile slowly formed on her face as Tina realized the true extent of her modifications for the first time. If she’d know ahead
of time, she’d have gladly paid twice as much.
Glancing at the instructor, Tina smiled happily as she concentrated and willed the color of her hair, lips, nails and finally her eyes to change to
complement the color of her swimsuit.
The instructor relaxed noticeably as he watched Tina beginning to delightfully explore some of her body’s new found abilities. This was at this point
where, if it’s going to happen, a woman would usually fail the conversion process. The sudden flood of new memories is too much for their minds to
handle and they go catatonic. If that had happened to Tina, he would have invoked the inspection override and issued the shutdown command and her
new body would have instantly collapsed in an inert pile of dust.
Finally understanding the truth, Tina smiled as she said, “So it’s true, I really can’t die?”
The instructor smiled as he replied, “Welcome to immortality Tina. If I could call your attention to the regeneration section of your new memories, as you can see
full doll mode is unique in that you don’t have to die before regeneration commences. In your current default mode, if I decided to run you through with that sword
again you would die, and then in about 20 minutes you’d simply get better.”
Seeing the sudden smile of understanding on Tina’s face, the instructor continued, “Essentially you’re virtually impossible to kill, short of dropping you in a vat of
acid, cremation or being unlucky enough to be standing to close to ground zero of a nuclear explosion you can’t die.”
Pausing he continued, “That’s the good news, the bad news is reason why I made you go through the full doll mode sword experience. In full doll mode your body doesn’t
exhibit the normal physical aspects of death and more importantly you remain fully conscious during regeneration.”
Tina watched as the instructor hung his head in sadness as he continue, “A few years back we had a client who decided to run one of our staff, while she was in full doll mode,
through a meat grinder in one of our Dolcett fantasy kitchens. The problem was, being in full doll mode, she experienced every horrifying moment. The client reduced her
to a bloody pile of ground meat and she still remained conscious. It took over six weeks for her to fully regenerate. After that, management tried counseling, they tried
drug therapy. Finally she came to me and begged to be shutdown, she said she simply couldn’t live with the nightmares.”
Watching the tears welling up in her instructor’s eyes, Tina suddenly realized what the instructor was telling her was personal, “Please sir, why are you telling me this?”
Pausing to wipe away his tears, her instructor replied, “Tina, most of the women come through the conversion process do it because they’ve lost all hope and this is
their last chance, the woman I was talking about wasn’t like them.” Then staring directly into Tina’s eyes he continued, “She was like you, she wasn’t an indentured employee
of the corporation. And like you she underwent the conversion process because she truly wanted to.” Tina could see the pain in her instructor’s eyes, “And she wanted to be
with me for eternity, she was my wife.”
Pausing briefly to regain a some of his professional composure, the instructor went on to explain the most important restriction concerning Tina’s new found
abilities, “Tina, during the conversion process three pre-configured modes where loaded into your
new body, the first your default appearance which closely matches your original body’s appearance, the second mode, full doll, which you’ve just
experienced, and one final security mode that you cannot access called stone.”
The instructor could see the smile fading from Tina’s face as she suddenly recalled stone mode from her recently activated memories. "That’s right
Tina, that stone doll statue that you admired as you entered this room was once a living breathing woman, a woman
who foolishly attempted to divulge classified information concerning the doll conversion process to the authorities. Trust your new found memories
and only reveal the details that you are allowed to divulge or your core processors will switch you to stone mode and you will transform into a
stone statue of a doll just like her.” Smiling at the look of well-earned fear in Tina’s eyes, “You wouldn’t want to spend the next ten thousand years or so as a
statue, cutoff from all outside sensation as you slowly go insane.”
Seeing Tina’s look of complete understanding the instructor continued, “Good, now that that’s settled let’s move on to something more enjoyable. As
you now know, you have complete control over your appearance plus a multitude of other personality related parameters which you can change at a
whim. However, it’s often easier to predefine any configurations that you find useful. And you have the ability to create a truly limitless number
of configuration modes, so let’s edit your existing full doll mode and create a new configuration that doesn't enable the doll command set and only
converts you into a doll from the neck down.”
After several days of learning the capabilities and limitations of my new body I completed the orientation course and finally, with full autonomous
control over all my systems, started my first vacation at the infamous Perilous Resort. The management was even kind
enough to arrange all little entertainment in my honor, the chance to share a blood-soaked first night in one of the Resort’s dungeons with one of their most
valued customers. They promised me an interesting time, what an understatement that turned out to be...
I could feel the tight steel restraints brutally biting into my wrists as I screamed in uncontrollable orgasmic ecstasy. I’d often fantasized about
what this night would be like but I never in my wildest fantasies expected anything like this. Here I was, locked helplessly to the guide rail of a
powerful buzz saw right out of my darkest nightmares, while one of the richest, most powerful, men alive brutally used me for his pleasure.
I couldn’t imagine how he was managing to do this to me. It was almost like he was using some kind of super Viagra. I’d felt him climax inside me at
least a dozen of times but somehow he never seemed to lose his erection. It was like being fucked by some kind of unstoppable force of nature, I could
already feel my next orgasm approaching. Staring up into his eyes as I climaxed, the last thing I wanted was for him to stop.
He used me through the night, continuously, never pausing. Afterward, as he stood there watching the buzz saw starting to spin up, I could see a faint
look of sadness, almost a look of regret in his eyes. Personally, my only regret, he still had an erection.
Later they told me he’d loved the way I screamed as that buzz saw cut its way upward through my guts. He said, it almost sounded like I was enjoying
it. Pleasure or pain, orgasm or agony, even before I underwent the Perilous conversion process I’d always had a problem distinguishing the
difference. And, he was right, I did enjoy it.
Reaching the destination coordinates Tina powered down the warp drive and dropped back into normal space. The sensors showed she’d arrived at the correct
location, a stable red dwarf star system devoid of planets. Aligning her yacht’s communications laser with the specified coordinates, she contacted Resort
traffic control. Twenty minutes later Tina's yacht passed through the Resort’s cloaking field and entered orbit.
Once, in the early twenty first century, the Perilous Resort occupied a small artificial island in Earth's Indian Ocean, an island
the Resort’s founder paid handsomely to keep hidden from the world. Over the years the Resort management has remained faithful to their founder’s vision of
embracing emerging technologies, even today there isn’t a single scientist or researcher in the Federation who believes it’s possible to cloak an entire world but
I happen to know it’s been possible since 2110.
That’s when the Resort’s board of directors decided to move all Resort operations off Earth. And I should know I’ve been on the board since 2046. Back in 2013,
when I underwent the conversion process, I was already wealthy, but immortality gives one a dramatically different perspective when it comes to long
term investments. By 2046 Fortune magazine, if they’d known I existed, would have named me one the ten wealthiest women on earth.
Of course, it didn’t hurt that I was invited to join the Resort’s board of directors by someone I’d already met, the same man who’d so delightfully
entertained me that first night after I’d finished my orientation back in 2013, the board’s president, the Resort’s founder and the first person to willingly undergo
the conversion process, Minos.
So tonight, after the board of directors meeting he’s promised we’d share an intimate dinner followed by an entertaining night. Something about me dangling from a noose, slowly
strangling as he fucks me senseless, he hinted that if I’m a really good girl and kept my legs wrapped tightly around his waist he’d make sure I lasted until first light.
Smiling happily with masochistic anticipation, Tina finished powering down the last of her yacht’s noncritical systems before transporting down to the
planet’s surface, “Can’t wait hun...”