It was late Friday afternoon, Sabrina felt mentally exhausted, she’d spent the entire week immersed within the Resort’s employee
selection process. Countless interviews, physical and psychological examinations and then early this morning they’d informed her
that that out of the final one hundred applicant’s only she’d met the Resort’s stringent requirements. The position was everything
she’d ever longed for, a five year renewable contract, full benefits and all expenses paid, to become a premier pleasure and pain
submissive at the Resort, salary 500,000 tax free euro per year.
After Sabrina signed her employment contract the Resort’s HR representative asked her to change into the clothing already laid out
in the HR department’s dressing room before attending her new employee orientation. Stepping into the dressing room a sudden grin of
submissive delight appeared on Sabrina’s face as she recognized just the kind of attire they wanted her to wear for her orientation. Picking
up that breathtakingly tight looking corset Sabrina smiled as she thought, “This should be interesting.”
Leaving the dressing room Sabrina crossed the HR department’s busy lobby and walked out into the castle’s foyer as she headed toward the
nearest elevators. And yet, even as Sabrina pressed the down button it still seemed odd that absolutely no one seemed surprised to see a
beautiful, half naked, woman patiently waiting for the elevator.
The instructions from HR said Sabrina should go to the castle’s sublevel 18, room 1814 to attend her new employee orientation. Reaching
the room’s entrance Sabrina was surprised to find a massive looking metal door with just a handprint scanner mounted on the wall beside
it. Pausing to double check that she was actually at room 1814 Sabrina took a deep breath and pressed her hand against the scanner plate. The
panel beneath her hand turned green and Sabrina heard the sound of at least a dozen locking bolts retracting before the massive door finally swung open.
Stepping through the door Sabrina watched as it swung silently closed behind her. As the door sealed Sabrina suddenly noticed a dramatic change,
outside in the corridor that air was clean and fresh but in here the air smelled of decay mixed with the sharp metallic scent of ozone. A short
walk down the dimly lit hallway led to a steep downward curved staircase, acutely conscious of the six inch spike heels of her shoes Sabrina
carefully started down the treacherously steep steps all the while thinking, “Employee orientation, great, I just hope I don’t fall and break my neck before I get there.”
Finally reaching the bottom of the stairs Sabrina paused in shocked surprise as she stared at the fiendishly diabolical nature of the room’s contents,
a faint smile slowly appearing on her face as she realized why the room’s furnishings seemed so familiar, “I might as well be standing on the set of the next Hostel movie.”
So enthralled with the unspeakable horrors arrayed before her Sabrina failed to notice she wasn’t alone until her orientation instructor spoke, “Thank
you for being so prompt Sabrina, here at the Resort we strive to insure the fulfillment of all of our valued guests every desire. Still, I think you’ll
find some of our guest’s desires a bit more demanding than others.”
Pausing to gesture at the equipment arrayed before Sabrina’s eyes he continued, “As you can well imagine room 1814 is devoted to the kind of dark
fantasies inspired by those infamously torturous Hostel movies. Now, if you’d kindly dispose of your shirt in the bin by that torture rack so we can get started.”
Sabrina started to relax as the person in charge of her orientation had her to pose for a long series of publicity photos. She’d long ago discovered that being
in front of the camera often brought out her usually hidden exhibitionist nature, but here in this terrifying place, surrounded by all these brutal instruments of
torture, she found her exhibitionist nature taking a decidedly darker more masochistic flavor. Just sitting here, perched on the edge of this diabolical torture
chair, it’s obscenely oversized steel dildo pressing suggestively against the side of her hip, Sabrina suddenly felt that all too familiar longing deep within her
and knew when it finally came time to mount that utterly brutal dildo she wouldn’t require any additional lubrication.
After what seemed like an hour the orientation instructor finally set aside his camera, “Thank you for being so patient Sabrina, but the Resort’s marketing
department long ago realized that the profoundly erotic look of eager submissive anticipation on a beautiful woman’s face is often best captured before her first
experience here at the Resort.”
Pausing to gesture toward the torture chairs uncomfortably oversized looking dildo, “Now if you be so kind as to take your seat we can begin the first part of your orientation.”
Easing herself down onto the chair’s imposing dildo a soft gasp of pure masochistic delight escaped Sabrina’s lips as she felt the ring of metal studs encircling
the dildo’s immense shaft scraping along the walls of her vagina as she slowly sank onto the dildo’s shaft. The dildo’s immense dimensions came as a shock, its blunt
tip reaching her cervix leaving her crotch suspended several inches above the torture chair’s seat.
Realizing Sabrina’s all too obvious confusion, her instructor smiled as he picked up the oversized ball gag from the table, “Don’t worry Sabrina, it will all make
perfect sense once I’ve secured you to the chair.”
Sabrina quickly found herself gagged and secured tightly onto the torture chair. A pair of unyielding steel manacles secured her wrists to the back of the chair
while a snug chain around her throat held her neck firmly back against the chair. But it wasn’t until her instructor manacled her ankles to the chair that Sabrina
fully realized the fiendish nature of the torture chair’s diabolical design. With her legs spread obscenely wide and her ankles held up and back it became considerably
harder to escape the discomfort caused by the dildo pressing upward against her cervix. Sabrina quickly learned that she could only briefly relieve the dildo’s
considerable discomfort for a few moments before needing to relax her straining calves and sink helplessly back onto the dildo’s oversized shaft.
The instructor watch with sadistic delight as Sabrina fought in vain to escape the torture chair’s diabolical torment. Not that she could, the chair’s design all but
ensured the eventual outcome of her hopeless struggles. The position of Sabrina’s legs ensured that she could escape the dildo’s painful pressure for a few brief
moments at most before sinking back onto its shaft only to have the pain quickly force her to once again use her trembling legs to relieve her discomfort. The delightful
sounds Sabrina made as she desperately struggled for breath each time the chain pull tight around her throat. He especially liked the way the position of Sabrina’s
restrained wrists forced her back to arch, making her already ample breasts appear considerably more pronounced with each futile attempt to relieve the dildo’s pressure against her cervix.
The instructor smiled as he watched Sabrina quickly settle into the all too familiar pattern he’d witnesses countless times before. Exhausted by her struggles all Sabrina
could now do was to push herself up to briefly relieve the dildo’s painful pressure before sinking helplessly back onto the cruel shaft only to repeat this pattern just a few seconds later.
As the long torturous minutes passed Sabrina found it harder and harder to gain even the briefest respite from the obscenely painful pressure of the unyielding dildo
pressing against her cervix. Already pushed far beyond her masochistic ability to find pleasure in her suffering Sabrina fought to desperately escape the dildo’s agonizing
presence. The sudden unexpected arrival of what had to be one of the most intense orgasms of her life shocked Sabrina to her core. All the fear, all the terror vanished,
burned away by overwhelming fire of pure carnal lust and a desperate unquenchable need for more.
The instructed watched in knowing satisfaction as Sabrina ceased her hopeless struggles to escape that dildo buried deep within her and now, despite the pain, her arms
and legs struggling to pull her crotch downward toward the seat, fighting to draw that oversized shaft deeper into her sex.
Lost in a moment of unimagined pleasure and pain Sabrina quickly discover she was trapped in a long series of continuous back to back orgasms, each orgasm impossibly more
powerful than the last until, finally, she lost consciousness.
Sabrina awoke to find herself hanging helplessly from the torture chair’s restraints too exhausted to move, the diabolical chair’s dildo still pressing painfully upward
against her cervix. Turning her head Sabrina stared in sudden horror at her instructor, gone was his conservative dark gray business suit, replaced by an ominous black rubber apron and boots.
Walking toward the helplessly restrained woman the instructor smiled at the sudden unmistakable look of fear in her lovely eyes, “That was quite the erotic show you put on
Sabrina, I think you had at least 60 orgasms before you finally passed out. But I think it’s time to move on to the second part of your employee orientation, torture and mutilation.”
Pausing to examine the implements on the table Sabrina watched in steadily increasing terror as her instructor selected a long needle from one of the containers and switched
on the torch. Turning back to his helplessly waiting victim, “Personally when it comes to the fine art of breast torture I’ve always liked to start with a pair of red hot
needles through the nipples and deep into the breasts.”
Later that night Sabrina’s instructor stopped by the Resort labs to see how her regeneration was proceeding. As he watched Sabrina’s once mutilated lifeless body
slowly healing one of the regeneration technicians asked about her orientation results. Smiling the instructor replied, “She passed with one of the highest scores
I’ve ever seen, ten hours of torture and mutilation and not once did she beg for mercy. Even during the final dismemberment part of her orientation, when she clearly
knew she was going to die, she never broke. Even after I’d amputated both her arms and legs you should have seen the look of defiant sadness in her tear filled eyes
as I used that chainsaw to decapitate her.”
Still, he had to marvel at the accuracy of the Resort’s psychological screening tests, most applicants spend their five year contract working in one of the Resort’s
theme park brothels where they can expect little more than a steady diet of bondage sex. And yet, it was the Resort’s truly unique premier pleasure and pain submissives
that had given the Resort its infamously well-deserved reputation for libertine excess. That the Resort’s renowned concierge service could, for a price, truly satisfy
almost any desire a guest might have even if it resulted in the untimely death of one of the Resort’s beautiful pleasure and pain submissives.
Sadly, until the recent development of the Resort’s regeneration technology, the only way to meet their customer’s growing demand for blood required administering
inhibition suppressing drugs to turn women destined for the Resort’s brothels into the kind of willing pain and pleasure snuff toys that the Resort is renowned
for. Unfortunately the cocktail of inhibition suppressing drugs had several undesirable side effects the worst of which being long exposure to the Resort’s inhibition
suppressing drugs eventually erased the distinction between pleasure and pain, these women no longer feared the pain and the Resort’s more astute guests, the ones who
enjoyed the look of terror in their victims eyes, quickly noticed the difference. Thankfully, development of the Resort’s regeneration technology finally ended the need
for that utterly distasteful practice and not a moment too soon for our more demanding guests.
Still, watching as the Resort’s regeneration process finished healing the horrific damage he’d inflicted upon Sabrina’s body he was already anticipating the look of
shock on her lovely face when they revived her in the morning. Especially when she finally realizes what unspeakable horrors the next 5 years truly hold in store...