Fresh out of regeneration, I was in the mood to try something different, something unexpected, so I called the Resort’s concierge
desk and asked for their advice. Nikki, one of the Resort’s guest reservation specialists, suggested one of the Resort’s exclusive
“Blind Date” evening packages. She insured me that the evening would be a delightfully perilous one. Intrigued, I agreed and she
arranged for a limo. That evening, a few minutes before six, the limo arrived at my villa, however, before we departed,
the driver insisted on blindfolding me, something about the person I was going to meet valuing their privacy.
After what seemed like a twenty-minute ride, we arrived at my destination. The driver helped me out of the limo and guided me to
the door before handing me over to my ‘date’.
“Good evening Destini, everything is ready for our evening together. Nikki, from the concierge desk, explained that you were
interested in trying something different, and that I shouldn’t hold anything back. Are you sure that’s truly what you want?”
Pausing to take a deep breath, I felt my throbbing nipples chafing painfully against the snug bodice of my evening gown, “I don’t
want you to hold back, no limits, no safe words and absolutely no mercy.”
Guiding Destini into the middle of the waiting bondage frame, the Ghost, her date, raised each of her wrists, securing them
within a pair of tight-fitting steel manacles and then reached for her dress’s zipper.
I gasped as the cool evening air reached my already painfully aroused nipples as my evening gown slithers sensuously down my
body to pool around my high heels. The sensation of my date’s warm hand sliding down the back of my left leg until he grasped my
ankle and firmly lifted my leg up and out to the side before locking my ankle within its waiting restraint. Only then, as he locked
that restraint around my ankle, did I realize that when he finished securing my remaining ankle, I was going to spend
the evening naked and suspended wantonly spread-eagle before him.
Securing Destini’s right ankle, the Ghost stepped back to admire his ‘blind date’. Even someone as jaded as the Ghost had to admit
that Destini looked hot, her firm toned body the unmistakable product of long hours spent at the gym, her firm full bosom likely the
result of regeneration enhancement, but overall, the body of a woman with good genetics and the determination to keep in shape. Not
that it mattered here, in this place, on this fateful night.
Turning away, the Ghost picked up the gag, a large rubber panel ball gag from the table. About to force the oversized rubber ball into
Destini’s mouth, he paused. Then reaching down he glided his fingers through the warm moist folds of Destini’s sex, her entire body
shuttering as his fingertips brushed across her clitoris. Unable to resist, he paused, pressing his fingers into the wet heated depths of
her sex, an unexpected gasp of pure sexual pleasure escaping her lips as he felt her muscles tightening in a desperate attempt to draw his
fingers deeper. Smiling beneath his face concealing mask as his fingers slipped out from the warm inviting depths of her sex, he raised
the ball gag up to her lips.
Feeling that hard rubber ball pressing against my lips, I instinctively opened my mouth, the oversized ball straining my jaw muscles as it
slipped past my teeth. In the moment, I realized what he’d done. Just before he’d pressed that gag into my mouth, he’d wiped it with the
lingering traces of my arousal from his fingers. Some women might find it offensive, even revolting, no me. Quite often I taste myself when
I masturbate, licking my fingers or one of my favorite vibrators after I climax. It’s also something I do when I’m in bed with a man, after
we’ve had sex, I love to slide down under the covers and take him in my mouth. The taste and smell of my arousal mixed with the lingering
traces of his semen, usually an incredible turn-on for both of us, one that more often than not, happily results with my lover having a second
orgasm while I’m deep throating him.
Buckling the gag’s strap, the Ghost clinched it tight forcing the oversized rubber ball to sink deeper within Destini’s mouth as its thick
rubber panel molded to the contours of her lovely face sealing her mouth. Only then did he finally remove her blindfold.
Blinking in the light, it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust but when they finally did a sudden sensation of pure horror threatened to overwhelm
my sanity. I recognized who my ‘blind date’ for the evening truly was, one of the world's most notorious serial killers, the Ghost.
Smiling at the sudden look of fear in Destini’s lovely eyes, “I see you’ve recognized me, or at least, you’ve recognized my mask. Perhaps you’re beginning
to regret saying that you didn’t want me to hold back, not that I’ve ever had any intention of doing so. Oh, and if the pain gets too unbearable, you
needn’t worry about fainting. I have an ample supply of smelling salts and stimulants, more than enough to keep you conscious until this evening’s obscenely
gruesome grand finale.”
With that, I watched helplessly as he picked up a pair of very sharp-looking shears and proceeded to amputate all of my fingers, one agonizing joint at a time.
Several hours later, the Ghost paused to admire his diabolic work. After removing Destini’s fingers he’d used over four dozen, six inch long, needles to turn
both of her breasts into living pin cushions before he used the torch to burn off both her nipples and clitoris. After pausing to revive her, he forced a large
electrified steel butt plug deep into the straining depths of Destini’s rectum and switched it on. Watching Destini’s body delightfully convulsing under the butt
plug’s powerful electrical shocks he picked up the heavy spiked chain flail and proceeded to strip the skin from her body, periodically pausing only long enough
to either salt her wounds or administer additional stimulants to keep her awake.
It was about one in the morning when the Ghost realized the time had come for the evening’s finale. The dosage of stimulants required to keep Destini both conscious
and alert was reaching the point where he risked causing a heart attack if he gave her anymore. Setting aside the bloody flail, he switched off the electrified butt
plug and picked up his knife.
Utterly exhausted, I could feel my heart pounding within my chest as I helplessly watched the Ghost picking up that razor-sharp knife. Managing to lift my head, I
stared directly into his cruel eyes as I felt the cold steel tip of his blade against my skin just beneath the base of my sternum. Then, the sudden overwhelming
explosion of pure agony as that blade slipped almost effortlessly into my guts.
The Ghost pressed the knife steadily deeper until he felt the tip of the blade grate against the vertebrae of Destini’s spine. Pausing, he smiled behind his face
concealing mask as he looked into Destini’s eyes, “Congratulations Destini you made it to this evening’s grand finale, disembowelment.”
Thanks to Destini’s exhausted and weakened state it took a few moments for his words to register but when they did he saw her eyes open wide in horror. It was in
that timeless moment that he pulled the knife downward, the tip of its blade grating against her vertebrae as the impossibly sharp blade slid smoothly through her
dying body, mutilating her entrails as it effortlessly opened her belly from the underside of her sternum all the way down to her crotch in a delightfully agonizing
explosion of blood and gore.
Destini spent the next several days floating within one of the Resort’s regeneration tanks, the incredible extent of her body’s mutilations requiring an extended
stay to fully repair. Of course, the Resort’s regeneration center technicians have come to expect this level of damage, especially when it’s a victim of the infamous Ghost.
Pausing to take another sip of wine, Destini turned to the waiting torturer, “Did you know, I actually tried to book another ‘Blind Date’ with the Ghost for tonight, but it seems
he’s taken a six month sabbatical from the Resort. It turns out, that while he’s paid handsomely for what he does here at the Resort, he still finds it profoundly unsettling
that his victims on this island fail to stay dead. Well, at least not for very long. Honestly, it was worth spending four and half days recovering within one of the Resort’s
regeneration tanks to have experienced his unique brand of diabolically torturous cruelty.”
Finishing her wine, Destini handed the glass to the torturer as she concluded, “So tonight, with the Ghost sadly unavailable for the foreseeable future, I decided to go
with a personal favorite, death by impalement...”