At precisely nine o’clock, with a smile of eager anticipation, Daphne appeared before the cameras, “Good evening and welcome to a new season of ‘The Insidiously Perilous Adventures of
Daphne Danger.’ This season we’ve updated the show’s format, quickening its pace to make it even more deviously exciting. Introducing new diabolically fiendish perils and, as you can see,
also an exciting new wardrobe of far more revealing costumes.”
“Tonight, I’m not only facing the treacherously diabolic ‘Water Cage of Death’ but the show’s new format of deciding my fate. The freshly reimagined audience participation factor is
back. In every episode this season, you, my audience, will choose if I live or die.”
“In a moment, the thumb up and down buttons will appear at the bottom of your display. The audience members will have ten minutes to vote on my fate. At the end of the voting, if the
majority of the audience votes thumbs up, this cage will unlock, and I’ll survive. However, if the majority decides to vote thumbs down, the overhead hoist will activate, and this cage,
with me locked inside, will slowly begin to sink into the water.”
“So, while we’re waiting to learn whether I’ll live or die tonight, you can watch me delightfully squirm for your amusement. As the two large vibrators, one filling my vagina, the second in my
ass, switch on. If these things are as powerful as I think, I should be good for about a dozen orgasms before the ten-minute voting period ends.”
“As I understand, assuming the audience votes to watch me drown, the cage will take only a minute to submerge. When that happens, the view you’re seeing will switch to an underwater camera so
you can enjoy watching me die for your diabolic entertainment. Oh, I should also mention that those two vibrators are even more stimulating underwater.”
A soft gasp of pleasure escaped my lips as I struggled to speak, “I think the ten-minute voting window has started.”
Gripping the cage’s bars tightly as I struggled to catch my breath, “I think I’m a little more aroused than I thought. I also underestimated just how powerful those vibrators are. It’s been less than
a minute, and I can’t tell where one orgasm ends, and the next begins.”
Lost in the intense erotic pleasure, it wasn’t until I noticed my feet getting wet that I realized the voting had ended, the warm water quickly rising around my ankles, leaving no
doubt about the vote’s outcome.
It’s all happening too quickly. I look up into the camera, the terrifying realization that I’m about to drown, visible on my face as the cage I was trapped within rapidly sinks into the water.
Panicking as the water reaches my chin, I rattle the bars in a futile attempt to escape, but the cage remains hopelessly locked, diabolically sealing my fate. I manage to take one final desperate breath
as the cage fully submerges.
Helplessly trapped within the now-submerged cage, I struggle to hold my breath as long as possible, knowing the futility of the attempt. I can see the underwater camera, the small red light glowing
next to its lens, telling me that my audience is watching my final moments. Still, I managed to last almost another minute before a large stream of bubbles escaped my lips. The darkness takes me as
I feel the water filling my lungs...