Mindy spent her entire life haunted by darkly submissive damsel-in-distress dreams, nightmarish visions of herself trapped in diabolical instruments of death, forever doomed to a certain and hideously brutal demise. As an adult she'd tried almost every fantasy or fetish imaginable in an attempt to satisfy her darkly submissive longing. But time and again, she found her desires frustrated. No matter what she tried, bondage, medical, mummification, rubber, even pony girl, nothing seemed capable of fulfilling her darkest damsel-in-distress nightmares.
Frustrated by her ability to find the kind of intensely erotic damsel-in-distress fantasies she sought she'd pretty much given up hope over ever fulfilling her fantasies, that was until she won the lottery. While most lottery winners might plan to use their winnings to live a life of luxury, Mindy intended to use her winnings on something darker and far more perilous.
Mindy located a discrete manufacturer willing of fulfilling her nightmarish desires. And while their price was high, Mindy agreed without hesitation. For Mindy money was no longer an issue, all that mattered was finally having the opportunity to fulfill her darkest dreams. -
Two months later...
I'd just arrived home from the gym when my cell phone rang. I could feel my heart racing within my chest as I glanced at my phone's caller id and realized the caller's identify.
"Mindy, your final payment has arrived in our accounts. I'm sending you an overnight letter containing a first class airline ticket to Detroit and detailed instructions to follow once you arrive in the city. Remember once you're in Detroit only use cash, under no circumstances use your credit cards. Your flight departs tomorrow afternoon at 1:15. Do you have any questions?"
I replied, "No questions, and thank you." -
My flight arrived in Detroit on schedule. Following my instructions, I took an airport taxi into the city. The taxi dropped me off outside an expensive looking restaurant in downtown Detroit. I waited until the taxi was safely out of sight before I turned and walked to the corner where I flagged down a second taxi to take me to my final destination.
It was just getting dark when the taxi dropped me off down near the riverfront. This area of the city had clearly seen better days. Trash littered the sidewalks and even the houses that still had most of their windows looked long abandoned. Thankfully it was only a half a block walk to the alleyway's entrance. Pausing to insure that I was alone I stepped into the alleyway's narrow trash cluttered passageway. -
Nearing the end of the alley I briefly turned to insure that I was still alone. I could feel my heart pounding as I reached into my jacket pocket for the key that arrived with the instructions. Then, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I unlocked the door and stepped inside.
Locking the door behind me I started down the trash clutter hallway to the doorway that led down into the building's basement. -
My first sight of the Guillotine, it's polished metal glowing in the light, almost took my breath away as I descended the basement stairs.
Standing at long last before the waiting Guillotine I reached out to lightly run my fingertips along the terrifyingly sharp edge of its blade.
I could feel an almost orgasmic sensation of ominous terror threatening to overwhelm my senses as my eyes took in the polished steel restraints that would soon render me helpless to resist. The Guillotine's open lunette that would soon close snuggly around my throat to imprison my vulnerable exposed neck beneath the Guillotine's blade.
This was everything I'd ever hope for and more. I could feel myself becoming aroused as I stood there staring at that perilous implement of death. Almost as if it had a mind of its own, my hand moved to undo the top button of my jacket and slipped inside to fondle my already throbbing nipples. -
It was a struggle to tear my eyes away from the ominous waiting Guillotine long enough to enter the countdown timer minimum and maximum intervals.
I'd decided to give myself between 5 and 30 minutes before the Guillotine's blade would drop. Long enough to become accustomed to the feel of being locked helplessly beneath the Guillotine's deadly blade but short enough that the terror wouldn't have time to completely overwhelm my senses.
The countdown timer programmed, I quickly stripped off my skirt and jacket and knelt down on the raised platform of the ominously waiting Guillotine. Reaching down I opened the leg restraints and carefully positioning my legs within them, locked them closed around my ankles and knees. Leaning forward I positioned my belly on the raised waist support and carefully continued forward until my throat rested within the lower half of the Guillotine's lunette.
Turning my head I briefly starred up at the razor sharp blade poised high above my neck before reaching out to slip my hands through the open confines of the wrist restraints. With my arms stretch out to their fullest I could just brush the tips of my index fingers across the raised surface of the Guillotine's twin activation switches. -
Pressing down the first switch, I felt the gleaming steel restraints lock and listened to the upper half of the Guillotine's lunette as it slid downward until it closed around the back of my neck. Helpless on my knees I was now trapped beneath the Guillotine's deadly blade. All that remained was to press the second switch and activate the Guillotine's countdown timer.
I could feel my heart racing as my fingertip lightly brushed across the surface of the remaining switch. Never before had I felt as alive as in this moment. Finally I'd come to realize my darkest most intensely erotic perilous fantasy. Taking a deep breath, I slowly pressed the remaining switch until I heard it click. -
Once Mindy pressed the second switch, the Guillotine's snuff program activated. Using the parameters already entered on the Guillotine's computer terminal by Mindy the program generated a random countdown interval and activated its timer. And although Mindy couldn't see the display showing the Guillotine's timer counting down, the display's speakers did begin to emit the faint sound of a ticking clock.
tick, tick, tick, tick... -
tick, tick, tick, tick...
Helpless on my knees, my neck locked beneath the Guillotine's blade I could make out the faint steady ticking of the timer counting down the remaining minutes of my life, each faint tick of the timer bringing me that much closer to my darkly perilous demise.
tick, tick, tick, tick... -
tick, tick, tick, tick...
I knew that with each passing second I was tempting fate, I'd already waited far longer then those initial five short minutes of safety, the minimum possible delay that I'd set. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest at the thought of the Guillotine's deadly blade poised high above the back of my helplessly exposed neck.
Finally my growing fear of death won out over the hedonistic pleasure of my perilous position. Closing my eyes I willed my trembling index fingers to relax and release both of Guillotine's activation switches.
It was only then that I realized how truly and totally fucked I was. Even though I'd released both of the activation switches I could still hear the countdown timer ticking and worse, the restraints still remained locked. This time, for me, there would be no last minute escape.
tick, tick, tick, tick... -
tick, tick, tick, tick...
Perhaps, the greatest irony in Mindy's fulfillment of her most perilous dark fantasy was the simple fact that she'd always planned to escape. From the moment she'd activated the Guillotine's countdown timer Mindy had to keep both of her index fingers pressed firmly down against the Guillotine's activation switches. She knew that the instant she released the switches the Guillotine's timer would stop and the restraints open. Or, so she thought.
Mindy had demanded that the real life fulfillment of her damsel-in-distress perilous fantasy should be, in her own words, "real, permanent and inescapable."
tick, tick, tick, tick... -
It wasn't until Mindy suddenly heard the steady ticking of the Guillotine's countdown cease that she realized that the moment she spent so long darkly fantasizing about had finally arrived. An instant later the Guillotine's heavily weighted and razor sharp blade started to fall. -
The pain went beyond anything I'd ever imagined. I could feel myself starting to fall toward the basement floor and instinctively opened my mouth in a final and horrifyingly silent scream...
Mindy instinctively raised her hand to her throat as she finally reached the end of the story. She'd even managed a mind blowing orgasm using nothing but her fingertips when she reached the part in the story where the willing victim realized that she was doomed to suffer her perilous demise.
Glancing over at the vibrator and butt plug sitting on the desk next to her computer, she felt a delightful chill of erotically evil foreboding wash over her as she realized that she'd need a few extra minutes to prepare before she would be truly ready to begin re-reading this story...