The deadly razor-sharp blade of the pendulum has haunted my darkest erotic nightmares ever since I read Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Pit and the Pendulum" for the first time. The
terrifying thought of lying there utterly helpless as that diabolic blade slowly descends toward me, the ominous hiss of the blade's passage through the air as it flashes
over me with each horrifying swing, all the while knowing with absolute certainty that I’m doomed to endure a grotesquely bloody and hideously painful demise beneath its massive blade.
Never in my wildest dreams, did I imagine that I’d be here, standing next to an actual pendulum, its massive razor-sharp blade gleaming ominously in the chamber’s overhead
lights. Constructed over three years ago by the infamous creator of diabolical instruments of torturous death, a man known as the toymaker, and used to fulfil a wealthy woman’s
final desire, it’s sat forgotten, in his workshop’s storage room.
That is until one of his other customers, intrigued by its dark diabolically autoerotic nature, expressed interest in acquiring it. Their only request, that all the steel surfaces,
except for the blade be acid washed giving the device an older, more worn appearance, and it’s blade given a clear acrylic coat to preserve the lingering traces of blood that still stain
its ominous razor-sharp edge.
Already intrigued by some of the stories I’d posted at a few dark fetish social groups, especially my version of “The Pit and the Pendulum,” he contacted me and inquired if I was
ready to experience my darkest erotic nightmare. Once I got over my shock, and my heart stopped pounding, I replied, “If you’re for real, then yes.” He emailed back fifteen minutes
later with the itinerary and confirmation number for my plane flight the following morning.
When I first arrived at the toymaker’s workshop, he explained the diabolically autoerotic nature of the pendulum I would be using to fulfil my darkest erotic nightmare later that night.
Fiendishly simple in operation, all that’s required is for the victim to press the glowing red button positioned directly below the apex of the platforms leg supports. As soon as the
button is pushed, the pendulum’s blade will begin to retract upward, as the platform restraints snap open.
It will take exactly sixty seconds for the pendulum’s blade to reach its maximum height, twenty feet above the platform. The victim needs to position herself up on the platform with her
wrists and ankles placed within the open restraints before the pendulum’s blade reaches its apex, because when it does, the platform’s restraints automatically snap closed and
the pendulum’s blade commences its deadly descent.
As it descends, each swing of the blade takes exactly one second and with each swing, the blade descends another quarter inch. So it takes four seconds the blade to descend an inch. And
it takes sixteen minutes for the pendulum’s blade to complete its twenty-foot descent. As you can imagine the final horrifying minute of the blade’s descent promises to be delightfully gruesome.
Ironically, it turns out the only reason the toymaker made me such an incredible offer, is because it’s new owners required that the pendulum be fully tested before they’d accept delivery. The
customer will be closely monitoring, via a remote video feed. And, for the customer to consider the test a complete success, I must not only fulfil my darkest erotic nightmare of dying beneath
the pendulum’s blade, but I must do so willingly.
It was shortly before eight that evening when I entered the chamber where the toymaker’s staff had set up the pendulum for its final test before being shipped to its new owners. The sight of its
massive razor-sharp blade sending a delightful sensation of overwhelming fear coursing through me as, I slowly circled the pendulums raised platform before finally stopping to stare in awe at that
ominous looking blade.
The live video feed would begin at eight. They'd set up several cameras high on the walls giving multiple camera angles to observe the test. They'd also set up one camera for my introduction
monologue. I stood next to the pendulum, trying to steady my nerves, waiting to begin when suddenly I heard the toymaker’s voice.
“OK Gabriel, we’re going live in three two one.”
Smiling seductively into the camera, “Good evening I’m Gabriel and welcome to the final test of the toymaker’s autoerotic pendulum. This evening the toymaker has graciously invited me to demonstrate
the pendulum’s gruesome effectiveness and in doing so, also provided me with the opportunity to finally live out my darkest erotic fantasy, the chance to willingly go to my death beneath the
pendulum’s razor-sharp blade.”
My brief monologue finished I simply walked around the pendulums raised platform and pushed the activation button. Instantly, the pendulum’s massive blade began to retract upward as the platform’s
restraints snapped open with a sharp metallic click.
Once the pendulum had risen high enough for me to mount the platform, without hitting my head on the blade, I sat down and brought my legs up, carefully positioning my stocking clad ankles within the
open restraints. Laying back I positioned my satin gloved wrists within their restraints. Then taking a deep breath, I tried to calmly wait for that deadly blade to reach its full height above me. Seconds
later, the restraints snapped closed around my ankles and wrists as I watched the pendulum start to swing.
Poe was right. I could feel my terror growing with each ominous swing of the pendulum, each swing moving that horrifying blade steadily closer. Suddenly I realized the pendulum’s massive razor-sharp
blade had descended to within a foot of my waist, in less than a minute that blade would be painfully cutting through my guts.
I held my breath as I stared in horror as the pendulum’s deadly blade drew steadily closer. Six inches, then five, then four inches, seventeen swings later, the blade flashed over my belly leaving a faint
scratch mark just above my navel. I screamed as the pendulum’s next swing finally brought the pain, the blade slicing deeply into my skin. A few seconds later, blood was everywhere. The blade was through my
abdominal muscles and slicing steadily deep into my guts. Sadly, I miss the grand finale. The pendulum’s blade was only about two-thirds of the way through my abdomen when I lost consciousness.
The customer’s purchasing agent watched as the pendulum continued its gruesome work for about another fifteen seconds before the blade slowly came to a stop between the two bisected halves of Gabriel’s
corpse. Checking his notes before unmuting the video conference, “Impressive work Toymaker, I’ll have the purchase order out to you in the morning, by the way, how much for Gabriel’s body?”
The Toymaker chuckled as he replied, “She was quite amusing wasn’t she. I’ll put her body on ice and sent it to you free of charge, after all the Resort can always use another indentured companion...