Fresh tears of despair trickled down Nicole's checks as she detected the first faint scent of burning rope. Already
terrified far beyond her worst nightmares, Nicole felt an overwhelming sense of terror gripping her as her heart
pounded wildly within her chest. Ereshkigal had promised her newest pleasure slave that her first night here within
the Mesopotamian Underworld would be little more than a simple test of her willing devotion to the death goddess.
Now, as she stared down at all those brutally sharp looking spikes, Nicole finally understand the obscene price that
Ereshkigal, the Mesopotamian goddess of death, demanded of all her willing pleasure slaves.
Having spent her life working as a professional submissive in the North Hollywood S&M club scene, Nicole was no stranger
to both the insidious delights and heart pounding terrors of pain. Even with the occasional serious injury, suffered at
the hands of an overzealous client or a lover, sent Nicole to the hospital emergency room, she'd never found herself pushed
beyond her own masochistic limits until now.
Only now, as she stared down at those horribly sharp looking spikes, did Nicole suddenly realize that she should have
asked a few more questions of the Ereshkigal's ghostly envoys before she all to quickly agreed to the terms of their
deadly bargain.
Sensing that the pungent odor of burning leather seemed to be growing stronger, Nicole fought against the unyielding
straps that held her tautly spread-eagled body helplessly suspended above the waiting spikes. But as she feared, her
struggles were hopeless, the tight leather straps inescapable.
Straining against her restraints, Nicole could turn her head just far enough to see the flickering flame of the candle
and the steadily thinking tendril of smoke rising from the taunt leather strap stretched out behind her.
Turning back to stare at the impossibly sharp looking spikes arrayed before her, Nicole felt the heavy X shaped cross to
which she was so obscenely bound give a slight shutter as the slender strap finally began to burn through.
Fighting back her tears, Nicole felt a sudden and almost completely unexpected sense of calm contentment filling her.
Utterly certain that the leather strap, that slender burning strand that was all that remained between those hideously
sharp spikes and her tender flesh, would fail within seconds, Nicole relaxed within her restraints and took a final deep breath.
In those final seconds, with her life suspended by a single smoldering thread, Nicole at last accepted the long eternity that
awaited her, that libertine and inescapable cycle of pleasure and pain that she'd so willingly accepted just a few short
hours ago.
A delightfully humorous thought filled Nicole's mind and a faint ball gag muffled giggling sound echoed off the ancient
walls of the Mesopotamian Underworld torture chamber. Having willingly submitted herself to an eternity of libertine
excess, an eternity of both unimaginable pleasure and agonizingly unbearable torment, an eternity willingly spent as
one of the pleasure slaves of the death goddess, at least she don't have to look forward to spending eternity sitting
around on a cloud, dressed in a white toga and playing a harp.
Only then did that final strand of that slender leather strap part, sending lovely Nicole, the death goddess Ereshkigal's
newest and most willing of pleasure slaves, plunging to her hideously brutal death.
The impact of her flesh upon the unyielding and impossibly sharp spikes, followed by the sickening wet thud as the
massive weight of the X shaped cross drove the sharp spikes completely through Nicole's beautiful body and embedded
their razor sharp points deep within the cross's heavy oaken beams, finally ending Nicole's incessant giggling with
one final and delightfully brief high-pitched scream.
Even now, countless millennia later Ereshkigal still taunts Nicole about those giggles, although the death goddess
usually waits until Nicole is already screaming in unimaginable agony first.