A secret ancient society, known to have flourished since Mesopotamia in 3000 B.C., still exists today. Known as the “Cult of the Death Goddess”
they worship the goddess Ereshkigal, the Mesopotamian goddess of death and the ruler of Mesopotamian Underworld.
Each year, the Cult’s priests select the most beautiful of the Cult’s female supplicant to become a willing offering to Ereshkigal. Taken to a
secret temple hidden high in the Mesopotamian Mountains, she is prepared for her journey into the Underworld. Her body is oiled and shaved smooth
leaving only her eyelashes, eyebrows and the hair upon her head. Her nipples pierced with permanent gold rings linked by heavy gold chains. Then at
sunset, she enters the temple’s inner sanctum where she willingly allows herself to be chained spread-eagled upon the chambers alter of sacrifice,
and left to await the arrival of one of Ereshkigal’s ghostly emissaries.
During the night, those judged worthy by Ereshkigal’s ghostly emissaries will be spirited away, destined to become another of Ereshkigal’s willing
pleasure slaves, to spend all of eternity serving the death goddess in the Mesopotamian Underworld.
Unfortunately, over the long millennia of the Cult’s existence, much of the understanding of the attributes valued by Ereshkigal’s ghostly emissaries
has been lost in the vastness of time. Because of this, over time, a growing number of the Cult’s willing female offerings, while beautiful and utterly
submissive, have proven unworthy by Ereshkigal’s emissaries.
Sadly, rather than reexamine their selection criteria, the Cult’s high priests have instead shifted most of the blame to the women chosen as willing
offerings to the death goddess. Millennia ago, women proved unworthy would be shunned by the Cult and cast out. However, over the last few
millennia, with almost all the chosen women proving unworthy of Ereshkigal’s attentions, the high priests, rather than trying to understand the problem, have
instead, decided to conceal it.
Tonight Fatima stands chained upon the chambers alter of sacrifice, eagerly awaiting the judgment of Ereshkigal’s ghostly emissaries. Sadly, for Fatima,
while stunningly beautiful and completely submissive, like so many past offerings, she lacks that one attribute Ereshkigal’s emissaries value above all
else, a darkly masochistic desire to spend every night, for all eternity, being brutally tortured to death merely for Ereshkigal’s amusement.
At sunrise, it’s likely that Fatima will meet the same fate as most of the women who’ve stood upon the chambers alter of sacrifice, burned alive by the
temple’s priests, her charred bones joining the countless others scattered across the chamber’s floor to conceal the truth...