Sasha had long been one of the brothel’s favorite submissive slave girls. Acquired at the age of sixteen from her evil Ukrainian
stepmother she’d spent the last fifteen years as a full service pleasure and pain toy in the dungeons of one of Bangkok’s most notorious
brothels. And while still hauntingly beautiful, sadly for Sasha, demand for her services had fallen off over the last few years, the
preference of most of the brothel’s clientele tended toward younger slave girls.
It was early on the evening of Sasha’s thirty-first birthday that the guards brought her down to the owner’s private dungeon room. Seeing
the obvious look of confusion in Sasha’s eyes, her master explained, “I’m truly sorry Sasha but tonight will be your final night here at my
brothel. You’ve simply grown too old for the tastes of my clientele.”
Frowning as he continued, “Sadly, that leaves us with a rather serious problem. While you cannot remain here at the brothel, I also can’t
simply toss you out onto the streets where you’d inevitably come to the attention of the authorities.”
He could see the sudden look of cold understanding is Sasha’s eyes as he concluded, “You see, in order to insure the secrecy of my operations
here in Bangkok, you will have to die tonight. So, you see my dear Sasha, you have one final decision to make, arrayed in this chamber are
three distinctly different ways to die, choose.”
“First, you can choose to kneel down and stretch your neck across the block, so that my executioner can bind your wrists behind your back and
attempt to make your death as painless as possible. As I understand it, the victim only remains conscious for about 8 seconds after their head
is separated from their body.”
“Second, I’ve laced that glass of wine setting next to you with a powerful poison, drink it and over the next few minutes you will experience a
quick but rather painful death as the poison melts your digestive tract. I should however, caution you that the final minute or two tends to be rather messy.”
“And your third and final choice, you can choose impalement. The executioner will bind your wrists before inserting the razor-sharp tip of the impalement
post into your rectum. The weight of your body will cause you to slip downward onto the post driving its deadly point upward through your body until it reaches
the underside of your heart just as your toes touch the floor. I should caution you that death by impalement remains one of most cruelly barbaric forms of
execution ever invented. The agonizing pain will be unrelenting and far beyond anything you’ve imagined even in your worst nightmares. And you’d be amazed at
how long it takes an impaled woman to expire, most last at least four hours, and a few years ago we actually had one slave last almost eleven hours before
finally surrendering to the inevitable.”
“So, my lovely slave, how do you choose the leave this world?”
Sasha paused for a moment to consider her choice before asking, “Will Master be staying to watch this slave’s death?”
The brothel’s master could see the look of almost eager acceptance in Sasha’s eyes as he replied, “If you wish it, I will remain until you breathe your last
breath and your heart beats no more.”
Standing, Sasha submissive brought her hands together behind her back and with a faint but seductive smile stated, “If Master desires to watch, this slave
will gladly die by impalement for Master’s amusement.”
True to his word, Sasha’s master watched as the executioner skillfully impaled his lovely slave on the point of the post. That first faint gasp, almost one of pleasure
rather than pain, as the cold steel forced Sasha’s anal muscles to stretch to accommodate the shaft’s imposing girth. That first cry of pain as Sasha felt the shaft
reach the apex of her colon its sharp tip tearing the wall of her colon as it continued upward through her intestine filled abdominal cavity. That first scream of
unadulterated agony as the shaft’s sharp tip stabbed deep into the underside of her liver. The subtle whimper that escaped Sasha’s lips as the cold unyielding tip of
the impalement post sliced upward through the taut muscles of her diaphragm and into her chest.
As time passed, her master could see the look of terrified desperation steadily growing in Sasha’s eyes. Sasha’s entire body trembled with exhaustion as she struggled
to remain high on her toes but more than seven hours had already passed since her impalement and her master could clearly see that haunted look in her eyes, Sasha knew
the end was quickly approaching.
As Sasha’s master watched her suffer in silence, a dark smile of sadistic satisfaction slowly grew on his face. Even under the stress of agonizing torture Sasha still
managed to stay true to the brothel’s slave accords and not uttered a single word, all that pain and not once did she beg for mercy. The code of silence, that a slave
may never speak unless given permission, is one of the most ruthlessly enforced rules the brothel slaves live by. A slave’s first offense is punished by fifty lashes, the
second by one hundred, and in the event on a third offense she has her tongue cut out and then is whipped until she dies.
Realizing Sasha’s time was quickly running out, her master said, “You’ve done well slave, I’ve truly enjoyed watching your slow torturous demise. Would you like to say any
last words before you die?”
Sasha struggled for several moments to draw enough air into her burning lungs to speak, “This slave would like to thank Master for granting her the privilege of dying in
agony for Master’s amusement.”
Her master watched in sadistic amusement as Sasha surrendered to the inevitable, her uncontrollably trembling calves slowly relaxing as the heels of her feet settled toward
the dungeon floor. That sudden look of unspeakable horror on her face as she felt the razor-sharp tip of the impalement post pierce her heart sending her life blood pouring
into her chest cavity with every dying beat of her heart. The delightful way Sasha’s mouth opened in one final silent scream as she realized she could no longer breathe.
Then, that inevitable final shudder of her dying body as her eyes lost their focus and Sasha was gone...